Shipping Info

Delivery Estimates

Our estimated shipping dates are based on several factors, including your destination address, how quickly we can obtain and assemble items for shipment, and whether you have requested that we minimize the number of shipments or ship items as they become available. The estimated shipping date is displayed on the order form, just before you place your order.

We calculate delivery estimates by taking the estimated shipping date and adding the time it takes a package to travel from our facilities to your destination address, based on the shipping speed you've chosen. Orders for multiple items or multiple copies of a single item can take longer to assemble before we're able to ship them to you.

For example, if you order an item that is listed as "usually ships in 2-3 days" and select standard U.S. shipping (which typically takes 3-5 business days), your order should arrive 5-8 business days after you place it.

You can select a different shipping speed when placing your order. Note that changing your shipping speed will not affect the estimated shipping date, but it will improve the estimated delivery date.

Not all of the items listed on our site are available immediately, so selecting One-Day or Two-Day Shipping does not necessarily mean your order will arrive in one or two days. There is no weekend pickup or delivery for One-Day or Two-Day Shipping. Also, when you select One-Day or Two-Day Shipping, we may use air or ground shipping as necessary to get your items to you within the promised time frame.

Orders that are fulfilled by Lee Printing Services and shipped via a trackable method (such as UPS) will have tracking information provided. The following are common options for you to consider when tracking your shipment:

  • If the tracking information indicates the package has been delivered, please check with your neighbors or family members. Packages are occasionally left with neighbors, a building manager, or are placed somewhere relatively safe such as your porch, garage, or even behind bushes.
  • If the tracking information indicates the package is being returned to us, or if the address is incorrect, it may have been undeliverable.
  • If there is no tracking information, or you cannot locate the package and it is not being returned as undeliverable, please e-mail us.

LeePrintingServices.Com Services Guarantee

Our goal is to provide you the highest quality products available. If for any reason you are not totally satisfied with our product(s), contact us to talk about the problem. Refunds, or credits are all options to consider when there is a problem and we guarantee that we will find the best solution to making you a happy Lee Printing Services customer.